Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Reflecting on 2011

Wow. What a year this has been. So many amazing memories, I feel like they don't all fit in a year. Alot of things changed too. New friends entered my life,while some others faded out. I watched my sweet nephew turn from a tiny baby to a crazy toddler. I attempted to die my hair with coffee and cranberry juice....a failed experiment.I experienced college for the first time. And I watched friends walk across that stage and receive their diploma. Jess,Julie,Sam,Tyrone, I'm so proud of you all for graduating this year! I experienced the joy of planing a graduation party and having a blast with all my closest friends! I can't thank everyone enough that had a part in planing the party!!!!! Between the variety show and every other aspect of the party from the yummy dessert everyone loved to decorating and music. We couldn't have set it all up so fast without you! I also enjoyed the graduation dinners and parties of fellow graduates,many fun nights celebrating,eating and dancing! On the note of dancing,we took a very fun salsa class and I think I made significant improvement in my dancing during the year. I got to go to New York for the first time and it truly was a trip of a life time!
The summer came with many adventures of its own. Vegan week for the not so faint of heart. Also a fun end to our summer with a Slip N' Slide party.  Then the wonderful convention with many friends involved in parts in the drama. Then after that we went to the Keys for a completely awesome vacation. Also September was my first month regular pioneering! Time has really flown since then. Since then we've enjoyed many fun afternoons in service,the privilege of having several in our hall attend the Zone Meeting. We went go-karting just like every year on Halloween. Enjoyed a Josh Groabn concert. Brought out our inner nerds at Freaks and Geeks. Had a blast at bon fires,hayrides,and outdoor parties. The pioneers benefited from several pioneer meetings in December along with the Circuit Assembly as a highlight for everyone. Seeing 3 from our hall get baptized was awesome!

Reflecting on this year was alot of fun. I didn't make a video like I usually do,but if you watch the Summer 2011 video you can see a good chunk of the year in photo montage form.

Thanks for being a part of this year. I'm sure who ever is reading this made me laugh at some point in the year or I shared some crazy memory with. And if not, well then I'm not sure who you are.

Just like every year, I join a group of friends to make a "year list", goals,things that we think might happen,and funny other random things. This year I think I might post it......stay tuned.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The haircut......

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Roku Review......say that one 10 times fast.

Earlier this week we decided to buy the Roku 2 XS
There are alot of media center option out there. Apple TV as an example. (Though quite pricy)
The Roku box has a series of 'channel' and 'apps' though which you can connect your Netflix or HuluPlus account. Now if you don't have one (or both) of these accounts you will be severely limited as to how useful this box will be for you. There are other apps that don't require a paid account. Pandora radio being my favorite. This particular model also comes with the game Angry Birds.....which looks amazing on a 42 inch TV.
It has a USB port to view pictures and such through from a flash drive. It also has a Flickr and Picasa app to access your albums on there. It gets the internet via Wi-Fi or Ethernet cable and connects to your TV via AV cables or HDMI. Our Wi-Fi router is down the hall and in a room away from the living room and we had to position the box facing the door way to get a good enough signal to download the software update. The box is no bigger than my phone and takes less energy to keep on than a nightlight,hence the fact there's no on/off switch. Overall its a great addition to your TV and perfect if you have Netflix because you don't have cable. It won't replace that computer you were thinking of getting for your TV but it is extremely simple to use and alot of bang for your buck